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Spay and Neuter Your Pets

We strongly recommend that all owners consider having their pet
spayed or neutered. Every year millions of pets, many of which are
purebred, are euthanized because there are not enough homes for all
of the puppies and kittens born. There are also health issues to
consider. Below are a few of the reasons why you should have your
pet spayed or neutered.

Spaying your female pet will:

  • eliminate heat cycles

  • eliminate the inconvenience from having to protect her from males

  • prevent unwanted pregnancy

  • decrease the risk of mammary, ovarian and uterine cancer and infection

  • control the pet population

Neutering your male pet will:

  • Decrease or eliminate spraying to “mark” his territory

  • Eliminate strong urine odor associated with tomcats

  • Eliminate roaming in search of females

  • Decrease aggression and fighting

  • Decrease the risk of prostate and testicular cancer

  • Control the pet population

The best time to have your pet spayed or neutered is at six months of age. At this age, maximum benefits are achieved. Also, spaying and neutering will not change your pet’s personality, except to make him or her a better pet.

Pet Information and Products:

Parasite Control:

Fleas are a year round problem. Of course the problem gets worse in warmer weather. Along with being a nuisance, fleas can cause serious skin problems and other conditions such as tape worm infestations. We recommend that all pets in a household be on a flea control program year-round.

Heartworm Preventative:

Heartworms are transmitted through the bite of a mosquito. A single bite of a mosquito can infect your dog with heartworm larvae. The larvae then migrate through your dog’s organs and tissues toward the heart. Once in the heart, the larvae mature into adult heartworms. These adult heartworms can grow to over one foot in length. Adult heartworms reproduce to form microfilaria, which are released into your dog’s bloodstream. A mosquito that bites your dog may pick up these microfilaria and eventually transmit heartworm larvae into another dog.

If left untreated, your dog will die of complications associated with heartworms within three to five years. During this time period your dog may become lethargic and exercise intolerant, as well as develop labored breathing, a cough, heart failure, and kidney failure.

You can prevent your dog from ever getting heartworm disease by placing him or her on heartworm preventative at about two months of age. Heartworm preventative will need to be administered once every month for the duration of your pet’s life to prevent heartworm infestation.

We recommend the following products to keep your pets free of fleas, ticks and heartworms.

  • Frontline

  • Interceptor

  • Sentinel

  • Revolution

  • Promeris

  • Heartgard


Nutrition is a very important part of an overall health program for your pet. The food you choose to feed your puppy or kitten during the first years is critical to its adult development, health & growth. We feed & recommend Canidae and Purina Pro Plan brands of pet food. Feeding a food that is balanced without excesses or deficiencies helps avoid certain health problems. Both of these brands offer a wide variety of product formulated for the specific age, size and needs of your pet.

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Dr. Uptergrove
and River Oaks
Vet Clinic are
members of the
Concho Valley
San Angelo at Southside Animal Hospital.